Nerdify | Scholarship Essay Competition

Nerdy Bot Scholarship
Essay Competition

Apply now
to win $1000

Scholarship essay topic

How can Artificial Intelligence help you with your studies?

Get some inspiration from Nerdy Bot

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Competition Rules
Competition Rules
  • High school and university students from all over the world are eligible to participate
  • To participate send your essay to
  • The essay should be written in English and contain no more than 500 words.
  • Number of entries is limited. One person can send only one essay.
  • Submitted essays should not contain any form of plagiarism. In case of the plagiarism detections the entry will be disqualified without any prior notice.
What you need to do to complete your application
And that’s it!
You are one step away from getting $1000 for your remarkable paper.
How Should You
Format Your Essay?
How Should You
Format Your Essay?
  • The essays should be written in English and the word count should not exceed 500 words.
  • Please, submit your essay in docx file format; essays submitted in other file formats will not be reviewed.
  • Feel free to include any images that may support your idea, but do not forget to include their initial source.
  • You will also need to include the following information right before your essay: Name, Last Name, Country, University, Study Program, Email address and Link to your Facebook page.
How are we going to select winners?
How are we
going to select winners?

We will evaluate your content, grammar and writing skills. Therefore, before, submitting the application, you should take your time to edit and review your essay thoroughly. Your essay should be:

  • Authentic
  • Polished up in terms of structure, style and grammar
  • Demonstrate depth of your ideas

3 essays with the highest score based on the criteria above will win the Nerdy Bot essay contest. The results will be published on the website and on our official Facebook page.

Only the scholarship winners will be contacted by Nerdify team members via email.

Nerdy Bot Scholarship fund
3 participants will be awarded for
the most outstanding essays:
  • 1st place
  • 2nd place
  • 3rd place
The award will be transferred to winner's PayPal account
or to another suitable payment method of choice.
Application Deadline
  • The deadline to submit your essay
    is February 28, 2018.
  • The winner will be announced on
    26th March 2018 on the website
    and our official Facebook page.
  • Scholarship winners will be
    contacted by Nerdify
    via email
In case you have any other questions
do not hesitate to contact us via
All written submissions become a property of Nerdify and may be posted on our website, blog, social media.