December 4, 2018
Hey there! What a lovely day to enjoy new Nerdify reviews post. Ready to unleash your bad habits and fight them?
It’s already December and soon enough you gonna think of new resolutions to make. College is a challenging time, which always comes with risks of really bad academic troubles that we all seem to go through from time to time. There are new challenges, unknown environment, too much studying, and the joy of youth kicking in, so it is only natural that you try to cut the corners and find an easy way out! Nevertheless, it is important to take care of your college life and do your best to ditch the bad academic habits.
- The Art of Procrastination
Procrastination problem is what most students face on a daily basis as soon as the battle of deadlines versus the fun times starts! There is a movie that you definitely want to see or a party that you want to join early to meet your best friend or even a blog post that you want to read. This is when procrastination gets in the way. Trust us, we all have been there and it is only natural to put off some difficult tasks and think that you can do it later. The best way to ditch this bad habit is writing down a list of the “urgent” and “not so urgent” tasks in two columns. This way you can get more focused at tasks at hand and organize your time in a more efficient way!
2. Junk Food Problem
While it is tasty, quick, and you do not have to spend way too much time cooking, junk food can become a bad academic habit that comes up as soon as you start the college and try to get through the myriad of tasks. You run around, you catch a bite here and there, you talk to your friends as you eat, run around in the park, still chewing something. Sounds familiar? Add the late night pizza and Chinese takeouts to the list and you risk making all the healthcare specialists sad and angry! If there is a kitchen in your college room, start cooking your own simple food and check with your college friends to share the tips and get the best recipes. Moreover, stick to more accurate dining times and make sure that a time when you eat something is not in the middle of another task!
3. Using “you know”, “like” and “totally” When You Speak.
Now that you are about to become a skilled professional, your task is to work at the social skills and strive for academic success. You have to learn how to speak in a professional way and get rid of all the rubbish words and slang. We all get this “you know” and “like” bugs in our sentences, yet getting rid of these words can be really helpful. Just give it a bit more thought and learn to breathe! They call them “the filler words” because they are used to fill the space when you do not know what to say or when your lack of confidence comes through. Instead of using all these words, try to think and learn to talk at a slower pace, allowing yourself to focus on a subject and remember all the important information. This way the people will listen to you and know that you are experienced and have sufficient knowledge.
4. Ignoring College Group Projects
While far not everyone is guilty of this bad academic habit, it still exists and can be damaging to your college success, future resume, and a list of strong social skills that you definitely should have. Think of the group work where some people seem to do it all for the others while you just sit and watch. Do not be like one of such students and take an active role! Show some good work ethics and find a golden medium between a laid-back attitude and being a control freak. Be open to suggestions, yet learn to speak your opinion. It is a group project after all and everyone should do their best to be responsible and contribute!
5. The King of the Party
Sometimes it seems that it is not possible to survive through college without partying! While some of this is true since you do not have to turn nerdy and geeky being stuck in a college room with the books all the time, you have to remember of all the important deadlines and organize your parties (and the ones you want to join) wisely, so it does not affect your academic schedule and the other commitments. Make a party something to look forward to with no dark shadows from the tasks you have not finished yet! Even if you are a king of the party and like to have fun, remember that you can do both, if you manage your time and the plans!
6. You Bite More Than You Can Swallow: Doing Too Much at Once!
It is no wonder that an endless list of homework to do, confusing classes, and all the extra-curricular activities can make things a little bit too difficult! As a result, you may get a bad habit of trying to do it all at once. You start multi-tasking and aim for finishing several tasks at the same time. You may be a member of several clubs and you try to join two or more group projects, yet you start noticing that you are stressed out and anxious. It is a normal reaction of your mind and body to biting more than you can swallow. The solution is to take one step at a time and form a daily timetable to make sure that you give your best to each task. When you cannot do your best in a club or fail your friends by not being there, thinking of a next activity, it is never any good!
7. Bad Sleeping Habits
This is definitely one of the worst habits a college student may get! It is also one of the most challenging problems to get rid of! As your sleeping habits get worse and start to affect your grades and health in general, there are several ways to stay away from trouble! Schedule some morning time at the college gym, for example, or team up with your roommate by making plans for a specified time. This way you can keep quiet when you have to study and party hard when you both feel like it! Make sure to go to bed at the right time and remember that sleeping is important even when you feel energetic.
8. The Lack of Fashion
Maybe not really a bad academic habit, but it still makes a certain impression about you! The talk is about a lack of fashion or a specific fashion a college student may have. Think of your favorite t-shirt and the sweatpants that you just put on and let go. While it is quite convenient, it makes you look stressed out and not so professional. Choose the clothes that make you look stylish and professional, making it clear that you care for your outfit. Once people notice that you care for the way you look, you are no longer “that college student”, but a “bright and motivated person”!
9. Spending Too Much Time Online
Not exclusively a college student’s bad problem, the time we spend online is more harmful to your life and success when you have to study and get the good grades. We often tell ourselves that “five more minutes” won’t make a difference and scroll down to another post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Yet, it all takes time! Just make your online presence useful for your future major by making your profile look professional and combine your social networks knowledge and skills with the exploration of a subject that you study!
10. Getting Rid of Laziness
Laziness is always a trouble for a college student and basically anyone who tries to reach some progress and grow as a person! Do not waste your time for the meaningless and dull things that just take your time and teach you nothing. Join social clubs, get involved in volunteering, and explore the opportunities that a college life offers! Do not sit locked in your college room, meet people, smile to others, have fun at the party, share your knowledge, experience, and skills, and learn how to make new friends! Do not be lazy because listening to this bad habit is actually stealing your own life!
Take care and stay motivated,
Nerdify reviews team
November 6, 2019
Unfortunately, as the Nerdify reviews team could confirm, there are many usual eyesight care rules that come as a surprise to most people when the talk goes about the daily habits that affect a person’s eyesight. In addition to staring at the phone for hours on end, there are many factors like hygiene safety that are often neglected. As we live in the age of technology where portable devices, social media, and television do make up most of our free time, there are still crucial things to watch out for. Luckily, even following these simple 7 rules can make a major difference to your life, habits, and the eyesight!
Wearing Sunglasses. On the contrary to what most people may believe, wearing sunglasses is not for being cool, but for protecting the retina. It is important not to ignore the UV effect on eyesight, especially when you are driving and the flashes of light are always changing one another. Even if you wear contacts, do not forget to wear your sunglasses for that extra protection layer. It is one of the most important factors that can prevent serious eye damage. Do not go for the cheap shades, if possible, but consult with a healthcare specialist about suitable lens.
Expired or Cheap Makeup. While it is not widely discussed, recent research shows that expired makeup can easily pose serious damage to the eyesight. A reason for that is that expired chemicals contained in mascara or eyeliner become dangerous for the sensitive components of an eye and the surrounding area. It is a great place for the bacteria to overcome the barrier, which is especially relevant in winter or the times when a person undergoes high amounts of stress and anxiety. A general rule is to throw away any eye makeup element that goes beyond the three month period to avoid the risks.
Eye Hygiene Habits. In most Nerdify reviews that we do, our authors always stress the importance of keeping eyes safe from irritation or infection, especially during the long hours of studying or browsing through photocopied lecture notes. Rubbing your tiresome eyes or even stretching the corners to get rid of itching with the dirty hands can easily bring infection to your eye and cause temporary damage. The golden rule is to keep your hands clean and to blink several times to let the dry eye be washed with the tears. It may not work right away, yet it is a much safer way to keep your eyes safe.
Smartphone and TV. This is probably the most difficult part for all of us who cannot imagine a day without staring at the smartphone or spending at least an hour watching a favorite TV show. It is reading through the tiny text of the small screens that decreases the frequency of blinking that is a problem. As a result, our eyes feel dry. Another problem is that spending hours with our beloved smart devices, we forgot to drink enough and take breaks for high-fiber foods. It is also believed that spending a lot of time sitting at the computer screen causes headaches and anxiety. The only solution that really works is taking breaks and drinking at least a cup of orange juice or eating an apple to let the eyes readjust.
Wear Your Contacts Right. If you are the one wearing contacts, remember about the hygiene and safety rules. For example, avoid sleeping in contacts as it does not let your eyes get hydrated in a normal way during sleep. Likewise, avoid wearing contacts in the pool or public shower because it increases infection risks. As the Nerdify reviews team has confirmed with the ophthalmologists, there is no need to wear one-day contacts for the entire week because it damages the retina.
Smoking and Alcohol. It should be obvious, but most people these days do not really connect these bad habits with degrading eyesight. In fact, diseases like macular degeneration are linked to excessive smoking. The reason for that is that smoking damages eye muscles, making them weaker, thus resulting in a vision that is less sharp and focused. The smokers and those that consume alcohol are more prone to eye diseases because of a weaker immune system.
General Safety Goggles. We have intentionally put this part at the end because it is a known fact that information at the end of the article will be remembered. An important rule for keeping the eyes safe is wearing safety goggles when working with anything that can splash with liquids, pull back at an unexpected moment or flash with a strong light beam. No matter what kind of work you might do, it is much better to be safe and keep the safety goggles always at hand!
Be healthy,
Nerdify Reviews Team
January 20, 2023
There is no joke about it, every student in one institute of learning or the other intends that they become very successful and end a term or semester as one of the top students in their respective classes. However, just like they say, you don’t expect to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. This only means that there are some things that successful students do that other students do not.
Seeing that there are a lot of students who seek to have the elements of a successful student, the Nerdify Reviews team has compiled a checklist of tried-and-true habits that successful students should have in 2023 for sure.
Nerdify Reviews Top Tier Habits of a Successful Student
It is a clearly defined fact that it is one thing to study as a student, it is yet another to understand student success skills. In respective institutes of study, there are some select students that have mastered the practices of successful students. This is the more reason why they have no problems with acing their respective classes.
When you study so hard to become a successful student and your efforts seem to not add up, it is mainly because you have not been doing some things right. This is the reason the following secret of student success is pertinent to your student life:
1. Getting Yourself Organized
If you had to ask ten students right now whether or not they are organized ten of them would tell you that they are organized without fully understanding the intricacies of being organized, say Nerdify Reviews experts. Well, when you are organized as a student, it means that you have a ready-made plan for how you intend to take care of your college tasks.
You might wonder why some students have a reading timetable or a to-do list for all of the tasks that they have to do. It is because they are organized. This is something that not all students have. It is also a feature that distinguishes successful students from average students. So, in your assessment of whether you are a successful student or not, the first question that you need to ask yourself is whether you are organized or not.
“People have been asking me about how I was able to finish tops of my class while I was in college. Well, I had a study plan and a to-do list that fits into every day that I was in college. It wasn’t a surprise that I ended up being one of the best students in college.” Nerdify Reddit reviews.
2. Avoid the Practice of Multitasking
Gone are those days when the ability to shuttle between tasks makes you appear like you are the smartest amongst a group of people. A study in recent times has shown that multitasking among students is the main reason why they make errors. Hence, while students feel that they have been able to do so much in less time, the errors in those tasks take more time which students don’t always have because there is always a deadline to meet.
“I could recall when I was in high school. I had to practice the art of prioritizing the sums that I had to do. This helped me to beat deadlines while other students complained.” Nerdify Reddit reviews.
3. Practice the Art of Dividing Sums
Whether you like it or not, studying is not always fun, and it is even worse when grades are involved. However, it gets more interesting when you have been able to practice effective task division. There are students who prefer to do those tasks that they find more interesting first, before the harder sums. There are yet some others who reward themselves when they are able to effectively and completely execute those college sums on their to-do list. The goal at the end of the day is to find a way to cope with studying in such a way that it becomes a fun part of your daily routine.
“I never really liked college tasks. I was always flunking tests and assignments, but I knew for a fact that I didn’t like the feeling when grades came out and I was one of the students that were terrible with their grades. This somehow changed as I was able to master the art of dividing my school sums into smaller chunks.” Nerdify Reddit reviews.
In Conclusion
Life as a student would have been much easier if we could all do the same thing and get the best grades ever. Unfortunately, if this were the case, we at Nerdify Reviews team think that college would be less fun. Understanding the habits that make a successful student would help each and every student that is desirous of success to find a way to beat the system and be the best among their peers.