April 27, 2022
It is only human to wish life would always be good, and that smiles would adorn our faces every day of our lives. Unfortunately, things are not always like that, you can find so many stories on Reddit! We can protect ourselves and our loved ones as much as possible, but trauma is trauma. When it comes for us or those we hold dear — and it doesn’t come with an announcement — we just have to find a way to overcome it, so this the theme Nerdify reviews today.
In this post from Nerdify reviews team, you’ll learn about 7 helpful tips to help you or anyone you know deal effectively with trauma while in college.
1. Try As Much As Possible Not To Blame Yourself
Grief is universal, most people have to go through it at some point in their lives. However, perhaps one of the biggest indicators of our individualism is in the way we grieve. Most people live out their grief differently from the next person. Regardless of this, no matter what happened or how it happened, do not let yourself wallow in a sea of self-blame. Trauma can have a very strong hold on the mind, and while one would expect the occasional feeling of guilt that could arise in some cases, it is advisable to never let it develop into a major mood. Self-blame will make you stray away from everything that makes you the person you are and eat deep into many other aspects of your life.
2. Be Flexible About Coping
Do not let yourself be boxed into a corner or a definition of coping. As mentioned in Nerdify reviews posts earlier, people are different in how we cope with challenges in our lives, including how we grieve or face trauma. While trying to cope with a traumatic phase of your life, do not lose your individualism to catchphrases or new shiny ideas off the internet, particularly the ones that would have you deny the presence of trauma or bury it deep inside you that all else might thrive. Be flexible. The college itself is already rife with stressors of all kinds as we can read in Reddit reviews, dealing with trauma on top of all that is not fair to anyone. This is why you should maintain flexibility as you cope. If you have to mix it up, please do.
3. Protect Yourself
Physical and mental health are very important in all of this. Protect yourself at all costs. If your college activities are in any way a major trigger for your mental health, it is best to recognize this and take the best step possible towards finding the right solution. Nerdify reviews team suggests seeing a therapist and going to group psychotherapy to identify those triggers.
4. Don’t Use Your Studies As A Decoy
It is not uncommon to see people use their immediate environment as a decoy when faced with some kind of trauma. It has worked for some people over the course of history but generally, it’s not always a healthy practice. For example, someone who lost a loved one and delved into academic activities as a form of denial would assume they had successfully escaped the grieving process unless, of course, it’s not exactly foolproof. The thing about covering things up inside you or using activities as a decoy is that it’s like creating a minefield inside you. It rarely ever lasts. It’s always much safer to go through the process now, though painful than to risk an emotional breakdown later on.
5. Go Back To Your Daily Routines
A good way to reclaim control of your life is to be involved in the things you would ordinarily be involved in. Don’t stay too long away from the gym if you are a gym lover. If you loved to spend time in the library, don’t stray far from it. That sense of balance is very important. However, endeavor not to fall into the trap of doing too much to show people you’ve moved on. Our fellows from Nerdify saw a lot of Reddit reviews stating that hobbies helped students get to their senses.
6. Take A Break If You Need One
There isn’t much to say about this. Sometimes a break is needed to effectively deal with the effects of trauma, especially if your activities as a college student is a major trigger. There are ways to go about this, peculiar to each institution. Meet with the relevant authorities and state your case. Even if you need to take as much as one semester off to deal with things, please do.
7. See A Therapist
This is coming last because it is the most important of all these tips. Seeing a professional is the first thing you should do when faced with trauma. No amount of online advice or fancy catchphrases can measure up to the help you’ll get talking to someone trained specifically to help out with issues like trauma. Your college life will be all better for it. Our colleague at Nerdify reviews specifically asked to include this advice, working with therapist once saved his life!
Nobody invites trauma but it comes for us all the same. When faced with it, everything—including your college life and academics— could be on the line. Following all the tips on this post will give you a great chance of overcoming trauma and preserving your college status.
September 19, 2019
When hearing of emotional intelligence, most of us believe that it is either present or not, defining it as a presence of strong leadership skills. In reality, it is a set of character traits that should be constantly improved by learning and cooperating with others. Add intuition, logic, advanced communication skills, and empathy to any process to get a better idea of why it is important and how employees with high emotional intelligence are more capable in any situation. Nerdify reviews are back! Here is what our team came up to: even if you feel insecure about your personal and professional weaknesses, there are few things to consider as one reaches for success!
- Learn How to Listen
Emotional intelligence starts with active listening skills, which means that a person should strive for clarity and a general picture of any situation before speaking out. It can be quite challenging for some people, but it teaches a good lesson of paying attention to the body language or those non-verbal details that are usually ignored when a person is in a hurry. In truth, an opinion is only heard when an opponent is listening without trying to fill in a word or two. The same works when one shows patience and care towards others. It is not only providing enough space and time for everyone to respond to an idea but shows who is an actual leader in the team (we used it for our Nerdify reviews team), willing to listen with due care.
- Response Instead of Reaction
Regardless if it is college life, going through homework troubles, sitting at the boring lecture or even talking to friends and family, true emotional intelligence shows only when it is challenged. A good example is a conflict situation where it is easy to get nervous and even angry. Just imagine working in a team of different people where your opinion is being ignored. An obvious reaction would be to start arguing or shouting at the opponents, which is natural for most people. Now try to use analysis and response instead of an immediate reaction. Think about why your proposal is stronger and how it can work along with the other ideas. The same relates to homework – respond by getting at least one task complete to show that no challenge can break you down!
- Empathize and Comfort
Empathy is an honorable skill and not a weakness as some people may think when they try to imagine a strong leader. If there is a workplace conflict, bullying or a person struggling with company’s policies, it takes a heart, experience, and the soft intelligence skills to let that employee know that he or she has someone to count on. Even if you are a student sharing space with a college roommate, show more patience, care, and respect and it will definitely pay off. Share a smile from time to time, let someone use something that can be shared, give a hint about time management or simply talk about what troubles you. Sometimes even a single word can make a major difference, so give it a try right now!
- Social Skills Matter
It does not mean that you have to jump at every opportunity or keep talking all the time. The social skills stand for being approachable and friendly while adjusting personal and professional experience depending on who is around. Even the best leaders and those who look powerful have those moments of weakness and insecurity when their self-esteem could be better. It takes a lot of training and challenging yourself no matter how difficult it may seem. Take a look at your talking space, use more body movements, learn from others or write speeches to read them aloud. It may not be easy, but it will reward you with confidence.
- Leadership As Example For Others
Now the most important thing is being an example for others and walking an extra mile to assist people in need. Leadership is not about being the best, but about doing the best one can to create a special friendly environment where everyone feels safe and welcome. It is not possible to do all the work alone and just see the rest of the team struggle and come up with humble ideas. A true leader patiently listens and learns by trial-and-error with each person involved, living through each challenge and a victory. Show that there is no need to feel embarrassed if something is unclear by daring to ask and grow both as a professional and a person!
A lot of people still ask if there is a balance between insisting and acting passively as the emotional intelligence skills are worked out. The key is to show respect and never act too pushy to show one’s rightfulness. Set the goal and show motivation, so your opponent becomes inspired to listen and reconsider one’s opinion. Finally, as you face life’s struggles and feel like giving up, remember that success is a journey, not a destination.
xoxo, your Nerdify Reviews team
April 9, 2020
COVID-19 is a serious epidemic that is currently spreading around the globe. In spite of the fact that the risk groups are older people and persons with comorbidities, the disease can still affect other persons, resulting in unpleasant symptoms and even mild complications. Students are not likely to be in a risk group, but their lifestyle and educational needs suggest visiting public places and having contact with people. Therefore, it is important for them to take safety precautions that would protect from infection and prevent its spread.
The primary rule that should be followed is staying at the place of residence. Coronavirus is characterized by a rather high ability to survive in the environment, which implies that there is a risk for infection, even if there are currently no sick people around. Staying at home means being in safe virus-free environment. In addition, young people, to which most students belong, can experience the infection in an asymptomatic form, still remaining the source of the virus. Staying at home means that the possibility to transmit the disease to some vulnerable person is minimized. In this way, a person that does not show any signs of infection saves the life of people in risk groups and reduces the load on the health care system. Therefore, it is not recommended for students to use this time for walking just for pleasure and seeing the city sights.
While studying at home, a student could require some additional educational materials. If these are electronic formats, it is the best option, as there is no need for contact with people and going outdoors, as well as to wait for delivery. It may happen that the required material lacks electronic analogs. It is not a problem, as most stores have a free or reduced-price delivery option today to facilitate the quarantine regimen for their clients. It is preferable for students to use these opportunities while studying at home.
In some cases, there is a need to get outdoors, for example, to the local office of the shipping company to obtain the ordered goods, or to purchase food and medication. There is no reason for being anxious because of this need if appropriate safety precautions are taken. It is recommended to walk, ride a bike, or use private transport in favor of the public one. This measure reduces the risks for contact with the infectious agent. If public transport is the only option, it is preferable to spend more time waiting in the queue outdoors than getting into a filled vehicle. It helps maintain distance with foreigners to prevent the transmission of the virus.
Both in public transport and at the public place, a person should adhere to the specific rules. Face, especially eyes, nose, and mouth areas, should not be touched with hands outdoors and at the public places. There are risks that items and surfaces contain coronavirus that got there during sneezing or coughing by an affected person. By avoiding touching the face area, a person reduces the risks for infectious agent getting to its sites of entry into the organism. It is important to carry a piece of tissue and sneeze or cough into it rather than into a hand, as the tissue will trap biological fluids that could potentially contain the virus. The infectious agent will less likely get to the objects later touched by hands. After returning home, a person should wash hands carefully with soap or disinfecting solution. It is also reasonable to wash clothes having long sleeves, as they could be the regions for virus attachment. Washing the house on a daily basis, especially after going outside, contributes to a reduction in the risks for coronavirus residences indoors.
The epidemic poses a serious challenge for international students, who live on college campuses. Most of them are closing and students have either to return home or rent an apartment. As the latter could be a rather expensive option, international students could cooperate, living in the same place together. This approach poses them to the risks for infection, as their home becomes a sort of public place. The described measures should be followed with double precision and attention by these persons to avoid infection.
Please take care of yourself and remember: Nerdify is always there to help you.