How to keep your schedule under control while learning online
Are you struggling with your time management while learning or working online from home? Here are some tips for maintaining control of your time. First and foremost, get up at your normal time and complete your morning routine, including getting dressed and eating breakfast! Learning and working from home can cause you to focus solely on working. Second, set up a workspace away from your bed/bedroom. Third, at the time you would leave, go to your workspace, and prepare for your day.
1. Have a calendar with time slots, electronic or paper, available to plan your day
2. Plan your day including:
a. Work times
b. Activities at specific times, such as class, study, lunch, and breaks
c. Meals
d. Communication with colleagues, family, and friends
e. End of workday
f. Bedtime!
3. Use a timer or electronic reminders to move to the next item on your list.
4. Begin working.
5. End working.
Set aside time for cooking, cleaning, leaving to exercise (even if just in another room), weekend activities, and shopping if needed. Finally, remember to include due dates for assignments. As you plan for your day above, check the learning management system (LMS) used at your school for assignments, activities, and meetings. Add these to your calendar as well. At the starting time of your class or job, begin working.
For those of you working together on projects, there are several ways to communicate easily. Programs such as Zoom, Skype, and social media applications can reduce the perception of distance. Download these easily from the appropriate website onto the computer and phone. Classmates can set up daily review meetings in Zoom. Learning management systems also have Wiki features for discussions.
This may seem obsessive, but as said above people either focus on one thing for a while or shift from one thing to another in minutes without completing any given task. By creating a schedule to work with and using a timer or alarms, one can complete many tasks and feel accomplished at the end of the day. Using the regular schedule will assist in returning to a normal schedule when the isolation period is over. With a schedule in mind, new habits can be formed to assist in a normal schedule later as well.
Anne Montgomery
October 4, 2022
There’s no shortage of movies and TV shows depicting college life. As a result, many of the lessons American teens have learned about the college experience come from pop culture. Not all of those lessons are based on accurate reflections of the college experience. Although some college movies and shows are more realistic than others, in general, pop culture has given rise to various misconceptions regarding what college life involves.
The following are some noteworthy examples of beliefs you may have about what college will be like based on pop culture myths!
1. Every Party is an ‘Epic’ Occasion
An American high school student who has never attended a single college party could still probably describe one if asked to. They’ve likely seen plenty of movies and TV shows featuring college party scenes, after all. In movies, an average college party takes place at a house packed with energetic young coeds who all look like Abercrombie & Fitch models. Music is blasting and partygoers are showing off their moves on an impromptu dancefloor. Everyone is consuming extremely copious amounts of alcohol, and some are openly using drugs. Additionally, every spare room in the house is occupied by people hooking up.
The reality of a college party isn’t quite as over-the-top. Yes, college parties can get lively, but the real-life version of the party described above is not exactly the same as the Hollywood version. Will a college party take place at an off-campus house? Often, yes, although it’s also not uncommon for parties to take place in small dorms and apartments. Is such a party overflowing with people? Sure, college parties can get crowded, but not everyone there will be a supermodel. All types of individuals attend parties. Some are loud and energetic, dancing along to the music, while others are content to sit in a corner with a few friends enjoying the casual conversation. The music itself won’t be too loud either. No one hosting a college party wants to have the police called on them for a noise complaint.
Nerdify reviews data from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism indicating that more than half of college students between the ages of 18 and 22 will drink alcohol in a given month. However, college students don’t have unlimited budgets for alcohol, nor do they wish to try and get arrested for using illegal drugs, so many partygoers don’t drink or use drugs at all. Finally, Nerdify reviews stats from the American Psychological Association showing many American college students will experience some form of romantic experience, but these experiences are not as common as some incoming first-year students assume.
2. RAs Are All ‘Buzzkills’ or ‘Creeps’
A Resident Assistant (RA) is a student who lives in a dormitory and is responsible for keeping an eye on a certain number of students/rooms. In movies and TV shows, RAs tend to be depicted in one of two ways. They are either power-mad enforcers of the rules who exist solely to ensure no one living in a dorm has any fun, or they are slightly creepy older students who try to use their RA status to strike up relationships with younger students.
Do some RAs match these descriptions? Probably, but not always. Often, an RA is a helpful source of support who can lend an ear when a student is feeling homesick, help roommates get along more easily, and organize dorm-wide social events where students can meet each other in low-stress situations. True, part of an RA’s job is to enforce campus rules and policies, but this doesn’t make an RA a “narc”. RAs have to handle all the stresses of being a student while also handling the stress of being an employee of the college they are attending. On the occasions when RAs have to enforce the rules, they aren’t doing so to spoil anyone’s fun — they’re doing so because it’s their job to keep everyone in the dorm safe.
Some incoming students might even consider becoming a RAs after a year or two. Along with helping pay for room and board, being an RA could help a student expand their social group and make more friends. For more insights, you can find stories on Reddit about users’ best and worst RA experiences, as well as Reddit threads featuring amusing stories from former RAs.
3. College is Similar to High School in Certain Ways
Movies and TV shows which take place at colleges often depict many of the ways college is different from high school. Although college classes may end at designated times, there usually isn’t a bell that goes off indicating class is over. More importantly, there are no scheduled lunch periods, like there may be in high school. Students can eat lunch whenever they choose. During the time a student is not in class, they are free to roam about campus or leave campus as they please.
It is often during these free periods throughout the day that college students cultivate friendships. Unlike high school, where friendships may develop in the class environment itself, because college classes often involve large numbers of students sitting quietly while professors lecture, at the college level, friendships are often cultivated via on-campus events, get-togethers, lunches, and other social occasions big and small.
Worried about making friends and socializing in general in college? You’re not alone. Nerdify experts review studies and surveys showing many first-year college students wish they were more emotionally prepared for the experience. Additionally, Nerdify reviews new research indicating today’s parents may not realize how anxious about college their children are. If you’re worried about starting college, there are many Reddit threads and communities where you may find helpful advice.
College movies and TV shows can also depict professors actively reminding students who are falling behind on their work that they haven’t turned in assignments. Like high school teachers, college professors in movies will go after students who are in danger of failing. In reality, while some college professors may let students know they have missed due dates or are failing their classes, most professors aren’t as aggressive as high school teachers in this regard. They know it’s their job to simply teach a course. If a student who is paying for the course decides not to do the work, it’s not the professor’s responsibility to get them back on track.
These differences may seem minor, but they highlight an important point: college students have the freedom to make their own choices about everything from what they will have for lunch to whether they will attend class. They also need to always remember that pop culture depictions of college life are rarely accurate. Yes, college absolutely can (and should) be fun and enriching. It’s simply more likely to be when a student’s expectations about the college experience are realistic.
March 21, 2023
Self-care for students is about the intentional actions taken to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Self-care tips for students involve activities that may help you prioritize your own needs and practice habits that support your health, happiness, and academic success.
As students, you often face significant stressors, such as academic pressures, social expectations, financial burdens, and personal challenges. Without adequate self-care, you may experience burnout, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues that can negatively impact your academic performance and overall quality of life. Of course, you need the plan to cope with all that things, so the Nerdify Reviews team collected 8 self-care tips for students that can make your college experience better. Read on to find out more.
Nerdify Reviews 8 Self-Care Tips for Students to Help Your Immune System This Semester
It’s that time of year again — college students everywhere are heading back to campus. With that, the semester brings the usual worries about classes, exams, and socializing.
This semester, there’s a new concern on everyone’s minds: how to stay healthy in the aftermath of the pandemic. Whether you’re living in a dorm or staying at home, you must take care of your mind and body. To help you with that Nerdify Reviews team prepared 8 self-care tips for students that will actually help your immune system this semester.
1. Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health—not just for your immune system but for your overall well-being as well. Aim for 7-9 hours a night if possible; if not, make sure to take regular naps during the day to catch up on lost sleep. Be sure to go to bed early enough so that you don’t have to rely on caffeine to get through the day!
2. Eat healthy foods
Eating nutritious foods is key when it comes to boosting your immunity. Try to focus on whole foods — fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains — and avoid processed and sugary foods as much as possible. Not only will these help build up your immunity but they’ll also give you more energy throughout the day so you can power through classes and studying sessions. Try meal prepping or choosing healthier options when you go out to eat.
3. Be mindful of stress levels
Stress can hurt both physical and mental health. So be mindful of how much stress you’re taking on throughout the semester and make sure you find ways to manage it. Take some time each day for yourself — even if it’s just 10 minutes — to meditate or practice yoga or simply sit in silence without any distractions. These activities are among the most useful self-care tips for students and they will help reduce stress levels and give your body a chance to relax and recharge.
4. Take care of your mental health
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health when it comes to building immunity. If you’re feeling down or anxious, reach out for help either by talking with friends or family members or seeking professional support from a therapist or counselor if needed. Taking care of both physical and mental health will ensure that your immune system is functioning at its best this semester!
5. Exercise regularly
Exercise is one of the greatest self-care tips for students that helps to boost your immune system and keep your body healthy. Make sure to find time for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day, whether it’s a quick run around the block or an online yoga class. If you can’t do 30 minutes, even 10 minutes is good enough to rewire your brain. Simple stretches are better than nothing and will ultimately contribute to your mental health.
6. Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins and keep your cells hydrated, which can help boost immunity. We’ve all heard that 8 glasses of water a day is best, but in reality, it’s based on your body weight.
A best practice when consuming fluids is to drink half an ounce to an ounce per each pound of weight. For example, if you weigh 120 lbs, you should be drinking 60-120oz of water a day.
7. Supplements
Adding immune-boosting supplements such as vitamin C, probiotics, and zinc to your daily routine can help give your body the extra boost it needs to fight infection. Depending on your needs (energy levels, immune support, gut health, etc.), the supplements you take may vary. Talk to your doctor before starting any supplements to make sure they’re right for you.
8. Limit your alcohol intake
It can be tempting to go out every weekend to college bars with your friends, but be mindful of the consequences. Alcohol can weaken your immune system, so try to limit your intake this semester. Stick to one or two drinks a week if possible and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water in between drinks.
In Conclusion
College life can be tough even without having to worry about a pandemic. The importance of self-care for students lies in its ability to improve their resilience, mental clarity, and overall well-being, allowing them to better navigate the challenges of college or university life and thrive both academically and personally. However, taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be hard! With these 8 self-care tips for students, you can keep both your body and mind healthy all semester long so that you’re ready for anything that comes your way!
From getting sufficient sleep and eating nutritious foods to managing stress levels and taking care of your mental health – these tips will help ensure that no matter what challenges come up this semester –you’ll be ready!
Be sure to read the Nerdify Reviews team’s articles 3 Tried and True Habits of a Successful Student in 2023 and 13 Ways That Music Helps With Studying to find even more useful tips for students!
January 20, 2023
There is no joke about it, every student in one institute of learning or the other intends that they become very successful and end a term or semester as one of the top students in their respective classes. However, just like they say, you don’t expect to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. This only means that there are some things that successful students do that other students do not.
Seeing that there are a lot of students who seek to have the elements of a successful student, the Nerdify Reviews team has compiled a checklist of tried-and-true habits that successful students should have in 2023 for sure.
Nerdify Reviews Top Tier Habits of a Successful Student
It is a clearly defined fact that it is one thing to study as a student, it is yet another to understand student success skills. In respective institutes of study, there are some select students that have mastered the practices of successful students. This is the more reason why they have no problems with acing their respective classes.
When you study so hard to become a successful student and your efforts seem to not add up, it is mainly because you have not been doing some things right. This is the reason the following secret of student success is pertinent to your student life:
1. Getting Yourself Organized
If you had to ask ten students right now whether or not they are organized ten of them would tell you that they are organized without fully understanding the intricacies of being organized, say Nerdify Reviews experts. Well, when you are organized as a student, it means that you have a ready-made plan for how you intend to take care of your college tasks.
You might wonder why some students have a reading timetable or a to-do list for all of the tasks that they have to do. It is because they are organized. This is something that not all students have. It is also a feature that distinguishes successful students from average students. So, in your assessment of whether you are a successful student or not, the first question that you need to ask yourself is whether you are organized or not.
“People have been asking me about how I was able to finish tops of my class while I was in college. Well, I had a study plan and a to-do list that fits into every day that I was in college. It wasn’t a surprise that I ended up being one of the best students in college.” Nerdify Reddit reviews.
2. Avoid the Practice of Multitasking
Gone are those days when the ability to shuttle between tasks makes you appear like you are the smartest amongst a group of people. A study in recent times has shown that multitasking among students is the main reason why they make errors. Hence, while students feel that they have been able to do so much in less time, the errors in those tasks take more time which students don’t always have because there is always a deadline to meet.
“I could recall when I was in high school. I had to practice the art of prioritizing the sums that I had to do. This helped me to beat deadlines while other students complained.” Nerdify Reddit reviews.
3. Practice the Art of Dividing Sums
Whether you like it or not, studying is not always fun, and it is even worse when grades are involved. However, it gets more interesting when you have been able to practice effective task division. There are students who prefer to do those tasks that they find more interesting first, before the harder sums. There are yet some others who reward themselves when they are able to effectively and completely execute those college sums on their to-do list. The goal at the end of the day is to find a way to cope with studying in such a way that it becomes a fun part of your daily routine.
“I never really liked college tasks. I was always flunking tests and assignments, but I knew for a fact that I didn’t like the feeling when grades came out and I was one of the students that were terrible with their grades. This somehow changed as I was able to master the art of dividing my school sums into smaller chunks.” Nerdify Reddit reviews.
In Conclusion
Life as a student would have been much easier if we could all do the same thing and get the best grades ever. Unfortunately, if this were the case, we at Nerdify Reviews team think that college would be less fun. Understanding the habits that make a successful student would help each and every student that is desirous of success to find a way to beat the system and be the best among their peers.