How to keep your schedule under control while learning online
Are you struggling with your time management while learning or working online from home? Here are some tips for maintaining control of your time. First and foremost, get up at your normal time and complete your morning routine, including getting dressed and eating breakfast! Learning and working from home can cause you to focus solely on working. Second, set up a workspace away from your bed/bedroom. Third, at the time you would leave, go to your workspace, and prepare for your day.
1. Have a calendar with time slots, electronic or paper, available to plan your day
2. Plan your day including:
a. Work times
b. Activities at specific times, such as class, study, lunch, and breaks
c. Meals
d. Communication with colleagues, family, and friends
e. End of workday
f. Bedtime!
3. Use a timer or electronic reminders to move to the next item on your list.
4. Begin working.
5. End working.
Set aside time for cooking, cleaning, leaving to exercise (even if just in another room), weekend activities, and shopping if needed. Finally, remember to include due dates for assignments. As you plan for your day above, check the learning management system (LMS) used at your school for assignments, activities, and meetings. Add these to your calendar as well. At the starting time of your class or job, begin working.
For those of you working together on projects, there are several ways to communicate easily. Programs such as Zoom, Skype, and social media applications can reduce the perception of distance. Download these easily from the appropriate website onto the computer and phone. Classmates can set up daily review meetings in Zoom. Learning management systems also have Wiki features for discussions.
This may seem obsessive, but as said above people either focus on one thing for a while or shift from one thing to another in minutes without completing any given task. By creating a schedule to work with and using a timer or alarms, one can complete many tasks and feel accomplished at the end of the day. Using the regular schedule will assist in returning to a normal schedule when the isolation period is over. With a schedule in mind, new habits can be formed to assist in a normal schedule later as well.
Anne Montgomery
April 13, 2020
Even though the lockdown is supposed to be a relief for most students, in reality, it is stressful. In order to let you feel at ease when you have just a bit of time for fun, we decided to share 5 best video games that fit the #stayhome evening perfectly. They will keep your mind focused and you can even compete with your roommates online or students from all over the world by sharing your knowledge and making new friends as you play!
Now the chances that you have heard of this online game before are not high, which only shows that the Nerdify reviews team walks the extra mile to bring you something special. Givling is an online game that lets you play off your student’s loan game. It is not only a great tool that helps to train your financial skills, but also a great resource that takes the stress away in a fun way. The game revolves around quizzes and you can win daily presents and even some money as you play, depending on success. The best part about it though is that you also receive special counseling where the fellow students discuss their tips and tell about what or who has helped them to settle down all the college debt challenges.
Eve Online
This particular game is an ideal fit for those students who study Business Management, Administration, Economics, Finances, Human Resources Management and similar disciplines. Imagine that you are running a powerful company with several branches and outsourcing located all over the world. You can spend as much time as you wish, stop and resume your gaming experience. This game is like a special CEO training tool where you can either be the company’s president or run the game as an advisor among other positions. We have found this game to be a unique chance to train our skills. As it offers helpful advice regarding a person’s management style, it is like a free additional course to keep your mind aware of all the factors leading to success.
America’s Army
Not wishing to sound too geeky, Nerdify reviews team wants to offer an online game called America’s Army. It represents recruitment and a training tool where you can create virtual missions and train your planning and organizational skills. While it is not your popular shooter, it is the only official game of the U.S. Army, so you can learn about actual training tools and practices while having your college break. There are great graphics, real-life stories, and the ways how any person can learn more about the most powerful and unique army in the world. We can only recommend you check it out if you are a journalist, a student majoring in psychology or the one who always wanted to learn more about what it takes to plan a military mission.
It is a great game that won’t take too much time for the students majoring in Healthcare and Nursing. Since it is not as extensive and boring as most course textbooks are, the Fatworld lets you model various situations and learn about how particular cultures or a way of life affect nutrition practices and the healthcare outcomes. You can create menus, plan different schedules, learn about social economics, and see how a healthcare specialist can become the change one wants to see. Even in our experience with Nerdify reviews, it is the first time that we come across such a game that carries important social messages.
Democracy 2
The ones who like to spend their time competing with each other or discussing how politics or elections work, this interesting online game will become a great learning experience. It is a strategy game, so if you are familiar with such gaming experience type, it will be a walk in the park with an only exception that you must either lower or increase the taxes, calculate special expenses, plan elections, participate in foreign relations with the other online players, and create your own country or a village ruling plan. Once again, it is an addictive game, yet as the Nerdify reviews team could find out, you can always save the game at any moment or resume it later. A good part of it is that some “countries” or players may change their politics while you are away, which makes it even more interesting to continue with your planning or any other activities.
Regardless of what online game you may choose during the lockdown, remember that it helps to keep your attention span active as your brain still continues to work while switching from the course information or the things that make you feel worried before the next class!
July 28, 2023
Being a college student can be incredibly demanding. Between academics, extracurricular activities, and social life, it’s crucial to maintain focus for success in all areas of your busy schedule. But rather than hitting the energy drinks section at your local convenience store, ensure you’re providing proper fuel for your brain. Nerdify Reviews experts prepared a list of four fantastic brain foods that will boost your energy and provide essential nutrients to keep you focused and energized.
Nerdify Reviews What are Brain Foods and Why are They Important
Eating the right foods can significantly impact your brain function and overall cognitive health. Known as “brain foods,” certain foods are rich in nutrients that can help protect and nourish your brain. For example, foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and walnuts, are great for improving memory and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Other brain-boosting foods include blueberries, which are packed with antioxidants that protect against stress and inflammation, and leafy greens like kale and spinach, which are rich in vitamins and minerals that support brain health. Incorporating more brain foods into your diet can give your brain the fuel it needs to function at its best.
Nerdify Reviews How do Brain Foods Help You Focus
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining focus can sometimes be a challenge. Fortunately, certain foods can help keep our brains sharp and focused. Blueberries are one example of brain food that contains flavonoids that can improve memory and concentration. Nuts like almonds and walnuts provide vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, enhancing cognitive abilities. Leafy greens, like spinach and kale, contain antioxidants that protect the brain cells from damage. Lastly, fatty fish like salmon and tuna are high in omega-3s, which can improve brain function and decrease inflammation. Incorporating these brain foods into your daily diet could improve focus and productivity.
1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fat that our bodies need but can’t produce independently. Instead, we have to get these essential fatty acids from our food. The benefits of omega-3s are numerous and well-documented – they can help reduce inflammation, improve brain health, and lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Not all omega-3s are created equal, however. The most beneficial types of omega-3s are EPA and DHA, which are found in fatty fish like salmon, and supplements like fish oil capsules. If you’re looking to boost your intake of these important nutrients, adding omega-3-rich foods or supplements to your diet is worth considering.
2. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are not just delicious additions to snacks and meals. Their various health benefits make them a must-have in any diet. From almonds to pistachios, these tasty treats are packed with nutrients such as protein, fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fats that help keep you feeling full and satisfied. They’re also known to promote heart health, boost brain function, and help regulate blood sugar levels. Not only are they great for your body, but nuts and seeds are also incredibly versatile and can add crunch and flavor to various dishes. So next time you’re looking for a nutritious and tasty snack, reach for a handful of nuts or seeds and reap the many benefits they offer!
3. Whole Grains
Incorporating whole grains into your diet is an intelligent choice when it comes to eating healthy. Compared to refined grains, whole grains contain all three parts of the grain kernel, including the bran, germ, and endosperm, which means they offer higher fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. This nutrient-rich profile has been linked to numerous health benefits, including a reduced risk for heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. So if you want to change your diet, consider swapping out white bread, pasta, and rice for whole-grain options like quinoa, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread. Your body will thank you for it!
4. Dark Leafy Greens
Dark leafy greens are a beloved staple in the world of healthy eating and for good reason. Rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, they provide a powerhouse of nutrients in every bite. These dark-hued veggies are delicious and packed with health benefits, from spinach to kale to collard greens and beyond. They have been linked to reduced risk of chronic diseases and improved immune function. So if you want to add something extra to your diet, consider incorporating some dark leafy greens into your meals. Your body (and taste buds) will thank you.
Nerdify Reviews How to Include Brain-Boosting Foods for Students in Your Diet
Eating a balanced diet is essential for good health, but sometimes it can be challenging to incorporate certain foods into your meals. Here are some suggestions for including commonly overlooked foods in your diet to make things easier. For leafy greens like spinach or kale, add them to smoothies or mix them with your favorite pasta dish. Nuts and seeds can be great snacks or added to salads or oatmeal for a nutrient boost. Fish is an excellent source of protein and healthy fats – try baking or grilling salmon with some lemon and herbs for a delicious and nutritious dinner. Lastly, remember the importance of fruits and vegetables – try to aim for various colors to get all the nutrients your body needs. With some creativity, it’s easy to incorporate these foods into your diet for a healthier and happier you.
In Conclusion
Remember: investing in good nutrition now can pay off in spades when it comes to increasing mental clarity! So don’t forget to eat those brain foods and make tomorrow brighter than ever!
For more information on how students today can stay organized, focused, and energized while pursuing higher education goals – head over to the website’s blog for more college-related information.
October 18, 2019
Missed Nerdify reviews? Here we go again! Even though it may sound frightening if we imagine robots taking over the world, it is not entirely true. Automation does replace several processes and even jobs that have been done by people in the past, yet there are serious limitations like static operation and necessity of clever, detailed programming. Moreover, there are even jobs that will not be automated since no artificial intelligence can replace, analyze, and process information the way a human being will. Just think about physicians or policemen who apply physical skills and logic in order to carry out the final decision. Automation, after all, is a supplementary tool that simplifies processes that are done routinely. Thankfully, success takes more than that! Today Nerdify reviews 5 jobs that can never be automated, so you can reconsider your career choice 😉
Mental Health and Social Workers
It is a safe assumption because such a job requires empathy, compassion, patience, quick decision-making, and an ability to relate. Since robotics do not possess these crucial qualities, the work in the field of mental health and the social sciences will remain free from automation. The same can be said about recreational therapy and development with the inclusion of sports, dance, choreography, and many other specific skills that can be placed within psycho-social environments of a person. Therefore, such specialists can be summed up as creative personalities or those who can make an illogical decision, the one that cannot be expected. As an example, artificial intelligence social worker is a vague idea since no machine can tell the difference between substance addiction case or a person going through PTSD. Now a trained physician will analyze the case study and see what skills to apply.
Elementary School Teachers
It may sound surprising, considering the fact that modern school and even pre-school children grow up with several electronic devices and cannot imagine a day without a trusted gadget. Still, it is entirely true! The elementary school teachers are there for a reason since they help children learn how to perceive information and channel their attention and energy just the way most parents do. A typical machine can present information and be entertaining, but let’s not forget that an average child will hardly learn anything from that since there are logical limitations and no analysis per se. An elementary school teacher is also an advisor and a role model who can be approached differently. For example, when a child asks a question, the teacher will see the logic (remember how creative the children are!) and explain it in accessible terms.
Detectives and Emergency Police Units
Yes, there are many supplementary devices and forensic cybernetics become more and more advanced, yet nothing can surpass human logic and wisdom when dealing with criminal offenses and investigation. Thankfully, detectives, police forces, and diverse emergency units will remain there without the inclusion of robotics. A reason why it is so can be easily explained by the human ability to make time-critical decisions in emergency cases. The same relates to police and detectives work where deep analysis and comparison of complex information, body language, gestures, and interviews allow understanding who is right or wrong.
It is no secret that healthcare specialists are among the opposition to automation in any shape and form because the malfunction of robotics can cause serious damage that may be irreversible. Of course, it is also true for human errors due to lack of knowledge or wrong considerations, but there are more analysis and prior consideration. The machine can only follow a scenario, which is pre-programmed, but a human being acts according to even those situations that have never occurred in the past. Imagine a program that does not have a specific parameter or command for cases when a human system acts in a different, non-typical way during a time-critical surgery. A surgeon will instantly react while the automatic process will just freeze or return to default. In other words, automation is a repeated process that is at times more precise than human actions, yet it cannot analyze the situation and act against the rules in order to save someone’s life.
Animal Trainers & Bio Scientists
The animals always rely upon instincts, the scents, and a complex set of biosignals that are produced by living organisms. The case is entirely different when the talk goes of inanimate objects, which are hard to connect to. There are several experiments in the field of cybernetics that show how the dogs could feel attached to robot dogs, yet it does not provide the required accuracy and proper training. An explanation is rather simple – the animals transmit information towards a robot or a device, yet they do not receive a reply or a signal they can identify like it is with biological objects. Since biology is a constantly evolving process, automation rarely makes it to this branch of science, much alike to Chemistry and Astronomy where human input and analysis are crucial.
Finally, whether automated or not, any job requires constant growth and dedication, so take your time to learn and grow better both as a professional and as a person!
Nerdify Reviews team