April 9, 2020
COVID-19 is a serious epidemic that is currently spreading around the globe. In spite of the fact that the risk groups are older people and persons with comorbidities, the disease can still affect other persons, resulting in unpleasant symptoms and even mild complications. Students are not likely to be in a risk group, but their lifestyle and educational needs suggest visiting public places and having contact with people. Therefore, it is important for them to take safety precautions that would protect from infection and prevent its spread.
The primary rule that should be followed is staying at the place of residence. Coronavirus is characterized by a rather high ability to survive in the environment, which implies that there is a risk for infection, even if there are currently no sick people around. Staying at home means being in safe virus-free environment. In addition, young people, to which most students belong, can experience the infection in an asymptomatic form, still remaining the source of the virus. Staying at home means that the possibility to transmit the disease to some vulnerable person is minimized. In this way, a person that does not show any signs of infection saves the life of people in risk groups and reduces the load on the health care system. Therefore, it is not recommended for students to use this time for walking just for pleasure and seeing the city sights.
While studying at home, a student could require some additional educational materials. If these are electronic formats, it is the best option, as there is no need for contact with people and going outdoors, as well as to wait for delivery. It may happen that the required material lacks electronic analogs. It is not a problem, as most stores have a free or reduced-price delivery option today to facilitate the quarantine regimen for their clients. It is preferable for students to use these opportunities while studying at home.
In some cases, there is a need to get outdoors, for example, to the local office of the shipping company to obtain the ordered goods, or to purchase food and medication. There is no reason for being anxious because of this need if appropriate safety precautions are taken. It is recommended to walk, ride a bike, or use private transport in favor of the public one. This measure reduces the risks for contact with the infectious agent. If public transport is the only option, it is preferable to spend more time waiting in the queue outdoors than getting into a filled vehicle. It helps maintain distance with foreigners to prevent the transmission of the virus.
Both in public transport and at the public place, a person should adhere to the specific rules. Face, especially eyes, nose, and mouth areas, should not be touched with hands outdoors and at the public places. There are risks that items and surfaces contain coronavirus that got there during sneezing or coughing by an affected person. By avoiding touching the face area, a person reduces the risks for infectious agent getting to its sites of entry into the organism. It is important to carry a piece of tissue and sneeze or cough into it rather than into a hand, as the tissue will trap biological fluids that could potentially contain the virus. The infectious agent will less likely get to the objects later touched by hands. After returning home, a person should wash hands carefully with soap or disinfecting solution. It is also reasonable to wash clothes having long sleeves, as they could be the regions for virus attachment. Washing the house on a daily basis, especially after going outside, contributes to a reduction in the risks for coronavirus residences indoors.
The epidemic poses a serious challenge for international students, who live on college campuses. Most of them are closing and students have either to return home or rent an apartment. As the latter could be a rather expensive option, international students could cooperate, living in the same place together. This approach poses them to the risks for infection, as their home becomes a sort of public place. The described measures should be followed with double precision and attention by these persons to avoid infection.
Please take care of yourself and remember: Nerdify is always there to help you.
June 23, 2022
Studying abroad can be one of the most enriching experiences a college student has during their undergraduate studies. Many students who can financially afford to take a program abroad still refrain from doing so because of the logistical issues that come with being away for an entire semester. Many of the difficulties that come with organizing a foreign study program are alleviated by taking shorter international courses over the summer. Our Nerdify reviews experts explain below why studying abroad during the summer is an excellent option for broadening your educational horizons.
1. Condensed Learning
Unlike spending three or four months on each semester course, classes offered during study abroad trips typically only last about a month. While this means spending more than the typical three hours a week in each class, this concentrated form of learning is advantageous. It allows students to be even more engaged in the subject of their classes. Additionally, because study abroad classes are usually tailored to the host country, students are more immersed in the local culture.
2. Easier to Accommodate
With summer study abroad programs only taking about one month instead of three or four months like during a typical semester, organizing a summer trip is so much easier. You wouldn’t have to worry about finding a subleaser for your apartment or moving dormitories, suspending or paying for unused campus amenities, looking for long-term care for any pets, etc. Studying during the summer allows you to enjoy your trip without having the added stress of rearranging your life before and after the program.
3. Frees up Semester Schedules
Our Nerdify review experts note that students studying abroad typically only take programs related to their major. While this can be helpful for taking care of your specialized requirements, upper-level students who still have other requirements outside of their major—like general education, minor, or second major credits—might have difficulty completing those credits if they spend an entire semester abroad. By instead studying during May, June, or July, students get to finish a good chunk of major credits while also freeing up the remainder of their semesters on campus to complete those pesky general education requirements.
4. You Don’t Lose Time on Campus
Especially for upperclassmen in their final year or two of college, many Reddit users report that it is daunting to dwell on the fact that they only have a few semesters left before graduation. Many students want to make the most of the end of their college career—solidifying friendships, taking interesting classes, pursuing internships, and generally having fun. The idea of taking away a whole semester from the life you’ve lived for the last three-or-so years to go study abroad might not seem worthwhile. In doing an international program during the summer, you wouldn’t miss out on the experiences fall and spring semesters bring—and you’d actually extend the amount of time you spend with your college community.
5. Don’t Get Homesick as Easily
While many students are accustomed to not seeing their parents during the semester, and not seeing friends during vacation breaks, not being able to be with either group of people for an extended time is quite the adjustment, say users on Reddit. Additionally, it can be challenging to talk to those back home if they study in a country with a vastly different time zone, as it can be difficult to organize a call when their loved ones are free. That’s not to mention that if you study in a remote area, the wifi reception might not be reliable or strong enough to video chat with loved ones, say our Nerdify reviews experts. Studying during the summer eases those feelings of homesickness, as you’d only be without your friends, families, significant others, and pets for a month or so.
6. The Experience Stays Novel
People usually get accustomed to their new surroundings surprisingly quickly, which users on Reddit say happens quite often while studying abroad for a semester. By taking classes internationally for only a month or so, our Nerdify reviews experts say that it keeps the experience of being in a new place fresh and exciting. With only a month to experience all of the cultural wealth a country has to offer, summer students are much more inclined to go adventuring than semester students that might lounge around more often. Students leaving their summer-term countries often feel mixed emotions—ready to go home, but also missing the new country they’ve gotten to know. Though bittersweet, this is a much better feeling than being ready to go home weeks before your departure date, like some semester-abroad users on Reddit reported they felt.
October 18, 2019
Missed Nerdify reviews? Here we go again! Even though it may sound frightening if we imagine robots taking over the world, it is not entirely true. Automation does replace several processes and even jobs that have been done by people in the past, yet there are serious limitations like static operation and necessity of clever, detailed programming. Moreover, there are even jobs that will not be automated since no artificial intelligence can replace, analyze, and process information the way a human being will. Just think about physicians or policemen who apply physical skills and logic in order to carry out the final decision. Automation, after all, is a supplementary tool that simplifies processes that are done routinely. Thankfully, success takes more than that! Today Nerdify reviews 5 jobs that can never be automated, so you can reconsider your career choice 😉
Mental Health and Social Workers
It is a safe assumption because such a job requires empathy, compassion, patience, quick decision-making, and an ability to relate. Since robotics do not possess these crucial qualities, the work in the field of mental health and the social sciences will remain free from automation. The same can be said about recreational therapy and development with the inclusion of sports, dance, choreography, and many other specific skills that can be placed within psycho-social environments of a person. Therefore, such specialists can be summed up as creative personalities or those who can make an illogical decision, the one that cannot be expected. As an example, artificial intelligence social worker is a vague idea since no machine can tell the difference between substance addiction case or a person going through PTSD. Now a trained physician will analyze the case study and see what skills to apply.
Elementary School Teachers
It may sound surprising, considering the fact that modern school and even pre-school children grow up with several electronic devices and cannot imagine a day without a trusted gadget. Still, it is entirely true! The elementary school teachers are there for a reason since they help children learn how to perceive information and channel their attention and energy just the way most parents do. A typical machine can present information and be entertaining, but let’s not forget that an average child will hardly learn anything from that since there are logical limitations and no analysis per se. An elementary school teacher is also an advisor and a role model who can be approached differently. For example, when a child asks a question, the teacher will see the logic (remember how creative the children are!) and explain it in accessible terms.
Detectives and Emergency Police Units
Yes, there are many supplementary devices and forensic cybernetics become more and more advanced, yet nothing can surpass human logic and wisdom when dealing with criminal offenses and investigation. Thankfully, detectives, police forces, and diverse emergency units will remain there without the inclusion of robotics. A reason why it is so can be easily explained by the human ability to make time-critical decisions in emergency cases. The same relates to police and detectives work where deep analysis and comparison of complex information, body language, gestures, and interviews allow understanding who is right or wrong.
It is no secret that healthcare specialists are among the opposition to automation in any shape and form because the malfunction of robotics can cause serious damage that may be irreversible. Of course, it is also true for human errors due to lack of knowledge or wrong considerations, but there are more analysis and prior consideration. The machine can only follow a scenario, which is pre-programmed, but a human being acts according to even those situations that have never occurred in the past. Imagine a program that does not have a specific parameter or command for cases when a human system acts in a different, non-typical way during a time-critical surgery. A surgeon will instantly react while the automatic process will just freeze or return to default. In other words, automation is a repeated process that is at times more precise than human actions, yet it cannot analyze the situation and act against the rules in order to save someone’s life.
Animal Trainers & Bio Scientists
The animals always rely upon instincts, the scents, and a complex set of biosignals that are produced by living organisms. The case is entirely different when the talk goes of inanimate objects, which are hard to connect to. There are several experiments in the field of cybernetics that show how the dogs could feel attached to robot dogs, yet it does not provide the required accuracy and proper training. An explanation is rather simple – the animals transmit information towards a robot or a device, yet they do not receive a reply or a signal they can identify like it is with biological objects. Since biology is a constantly evolving process, automation rarely makes it to this branch of science, much alike to Chemistry and Astronomy where human input and analysis are crucial.
Finally, whether automated or not, any job requires constant growth and dedication, so take your time to learn and grow better both as a professional and as a person!
Nerdify Reviews team